rocking projects

2D Booster Flame

Shader FX Asset for Unity

Asset Content

  • A shader that creates a nice booster flame with stretching and bending effects.
  • Compatible with URP.
  • We provide a component to control the flame based on velocity.
  • Demo scene to create prefabs or presets.

Bending and squashing

The shader simulates physical effects of the flame like bending and squashing, based the the radial and spacial velocity.


Velocity based controller

Fine granular control of parameters based on the speed of the object.


Intensity Control

  • Max Velocity - at what velocity is max intensity reached
  • Min / Max Intensity - Intensity at minimum velocity (0) and maximum velocity (max velocity)
  • Smooth Time - how smooth the transition is
  • Max Speed - how fast the intensity changes

Bend Control

  • Max Bend - maximum bending of the flame in both directions
  • Max Angular Veloctiy For Bending - max speed of rotation to compute bending value
  • Smooth Time - how smooth the transition is
  • Max Speed - how fast the bending changes

Squash Control

  • Min Squash - the minimum sqash value if velocity is max
  • Max Squash - the max sqash when velocity is min 
  • Smooth Time - how smooth the transition is
  • Max Speed - how fast the squashing changes